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January 22, 2025


Registration is free, but for security reasons, we require a registration to acess adult content and other information from companions. The information provided herein is confidential, don´t will send e-mail without your permission and your data will not be released or traded.

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  1. LAS CHICAS is a website with adult content, destined to adults with over 18 years old ONLY in unconditional accordance with the clauses below:

    a) Reply exclusively for the acts committed by third parties that, by chance, to become aware of your personal password to access LAS CHICAS, which is personal and not transferable, especially if such parties are under 18 years.

    b) Assume civil and criminal liability for misuse of the photographs in the site, once the placement of ads LAS CHICAS do not represent the assignment of copyright to the users.

  2. LAS CHICAS website doesn´t have any sort of link with the advertisers, not being responsible or having interests in the contracts, nor for services rendered in any capacity or time.

  3. It is noteworthy that all the advertisers on this website, were signed Authorization Form and Responsibility, which authorizes the publication of his announcement, with information (artist names, phone numbers, personal data and descriptions) of her free authoring and responsibility.

  4. In the event of any photo published on the site have their ownership of copyright linked to any other person or company, the responsibility of the LAS CHICAS website limit will be to promote the immediate withdrawal of the same after being notified in writing of the incident and necessary documents to prove ownership of these photos.

  5. If the LAS CHICAS website receives any court order or any public authority non-judicial protection of consumers, children and youth, the popular economy or any other public interest, diffuse or collective legally protected or any other type of legality, for the suspension of Placement of photos and / or any information given advertiser, it will be fulfilled immediately, and regardless of prior knowledge to the advertiser.

  6. LAS CHICAS website respects the Law 8069 of July 13, 1990 (Statute of Children and Adolescents), therefore, declares that not publishes and that will not notices publish of under than 18 years. It is noteworthy that we have a strict system of control of advertisers, with certified copies of documents certifying the majority.

  7. We also ask that if there is knowledge or even suspicion, that minors are advertising on the LAS CHICAS website (in the case with false documents), please contact us urgently so we can investigate and remove them from the air immediately.

  8. Any other information can be obtained through the e-mail:



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