1 - What is the exact LasChicas website ?
LasChicas is a classifieds website that offers listings of escorts, along with their contact telephone numbers, personal data and free photos of each them. Only one registration is needed for people who want to access the full photo essay of each them.
2 - The website LasChicas, agency their companions ?
No. As mentioned in item 1, we are only a classified website and charge no fees or commissions on the trades executed between our subscribers and our advertisers, so all negotiations should be done directly with the advertisers through their own numbers phone.
3 - The LasChicas website, advertises underage ?
No. The LasChicas website regards the status of child and adolescent, so do not publish pictures of minors. For this we have a strict system of control of advertisers, with certified copies of documents certifying the majority. We ask that if any person having knowledge or even suspicion, that minors are advertising on the website (in the case with false documents), let us know so we can investigate and remove them from the air immediately.
4 - The LasChicas website, has written authorization signed by advertisers to advertise your ad and photos ?
Yes, the LasChicas website, has written consent of all advertisers allowing both your ad on the placement of your pictures.
5 - What if the chosen companion is not the same photo of the ad ?
If you negotiate with any advertiser and advertiser to appear with another caracteristic, we recommend that you cancel the contract summarily and to inform us immediately so we can remove the advertiser's from website in question immediately until the situation is clarified. The LasChicas website maintains full confidentiality of all complaints received.
6 - How often is the website updated ?
The LasChicas website is updated as new arise and advertisers, although we have almost daily updates (sometimes with the addition of more than one advertiser per day), we can not guarantee this update if there are no new advertisers.
7 - The LasChicas website is responsible for negotiations with their advertisers ?
No. As mentioned in item 1, we are only a classified website, not affiliated with the advertisers, and we can not vouch for any problems that have between subscribers and advertisers. Therefore, we recommend care for accuracy in a deal with advertisers of any kind.
8 - What are the advantages join the LasChicas website ?
Joining the website you can see all the pictures of all the companions and not just a picture of opening each one, and access more information and details of the advertiser.
9 - My access will be released immediately ?
Yes, access is released automatically by our system, but there may be delays in delivery of messages through Internet providers, which may cause a delay of up to 30 minutes.
10 - What if you do not receive the e-mail to authenticate my registration ?
You can request the email confirmation again, simply enter the Username and Password defined at registration in the panel My Account and then click the link below to resend the e-mail confirmation. If you use the Anti-Span control system, you need to disable or register the domain name: "laschicas.com.br" as a safe and reliable address before making your request to receive the confirmation email. If you are still not receiving e-mail confirmation, Contact Us. There may be delays in delivery of messages through Internet providers, there may be a delay of up to 30 minutes.
11 - What to do if I need confidentiality and do not want to fill out the registration form with my data or my email ?
If you need secrecy regarding data or e-mail, we recommend that you put only your first name in the registration and use of email accounts for free how gmail, yahoo or hotmail.
12 - Can I give my password to someone ?
No. Passwords are personal and nontransferable. If your password is supplied to another person, you will be unable to navigate within the subscriber area where this person is using your password.
13 - How do I change my password ?
To change your password, use the My Account panel.
14 - Como fazer para modificar o meu e-Mail ?
Não é possível alterar seu e-Mail. Caso queira, poderá cancelar a sua assinatura removendo-a completamente do nosso banco de dados e em seguida efetuar um novo registro, para cancelar sua assinatura, utilize o painel My Account.
15 - What if I forget my password ?
If you forgot your password, click Forgot Password on the My Account page, please use your e-mail registration at our website, which will automatically send your password to your e-mail account. There may be delays in sending and receiving e-mail within 30 minutes.
16 - Will I receive emails with advertising after sign the website ?
The LasChicas website only send emails related to your content, email registered in our database and will never be distributed to third parties. When you make your registration you have the option if you want or not to receive promotional emails, so please be careful in filling out this registration and make sure this option. If you want to modify it later, it can be done in your My Account panel.
Additional information can be obtained via the Contact Us.